In Florida, a battery crime can be a misdemeanor or a felony. Some battery crimes carry severe penalties and mandatory minimum prison sentences. At 411 Justice LLC LLC, our attorneys are former felony prosecutors who know exactly how to defend your case. Our attorneys know every defense and loophole available to you if you are charged with the crime of battery.
The crime of battery can be a misdemeanor or felony. A misdemeanor battery crime usually involves two people who were fighting. A misdemeanor battery charge only involves a fist fight without weapons. Other misdemeanor battery charges involve the “touching” of another person. For example, if you grab someone’s arm without their consent, that is a battery. It does not matter if the person is injured or not. The crime of domestic violence involves a battery but there is a special court that deals with that crime.

Felony battery crimes are more difficult. If you are charged with aggravated battery, for instance, you are facing a significant time in prison. Other felony battery crimes include: battery on a law enforcement officer, aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, and battery on a pregnant woman.
We have more than 25 years of combined experience as both prosecutors and defense attorneys. We have a history of success in representing those charged with battery crimes. The most common defense to a battery crime is self-defense. Other than that, the best way to defend a battery case is to attack the credibility of the victim. Our attorneys are seasoned and skilled at developing cross-examination by using depositions.
Our experienced trial attorneys have recently won an Aggravated Battery charge for a gentleman who was accused of hitting someone in the head with a 12 inch wrench and then punching him in the face until he was unconscious. Our client was a martial arts expert and a true gentleman. The victim was a co-worker. The prosecution wanted our client in jail. We defended the case by using a mixture of self-defense and sharp cross-examination of the alleged victim. After a long trial, the jury found our client “Not Guilty.” The victim sued our client in civil court and failed there too. You can read about this case in our Case Dismissal page (State v. H.A.)