The prosecution is committed to pursuing domestic violence cases, even when the alleged victim wants it dropped. These charges come with heavy penalties that can include fines, jail time, and an automatic no contact order that can stop you from going back to your home. You also have a “no contact” order issued that prevents you from going home. You probably posted a high bond and think you have to attend anger management courses and go on probation. At 411 Justice LLC LLC, we can help. Our only goal is to get your domestic violence case dismissed.
Florida law that requires a first time offender accused of misdemeanor domestic violence to spend a minimum of five days in jail if convicted. The penalties for domestic violence can be substantial, and can involve prison time for felony cases. It is important to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney if you are ever accused of domestic violence so that your case can be dismissed.

The Florida domestic violence attorneys at 411 Justice LLC LLC are sensitive to the needs of victims of domestic violence. Our attorneys and staff aggressively stand up for your rights in any legal proceeding that stems from the incident. It is important that you seek confident and experienced representation to ensure that your voice and story is heard. More importantly, it is important that your domestic violence case be dismissed so that you can go home and move forward with your life.
Our experienced domestic violence attorneys are former prosecutors who know exactly how to put pressure on the prosecutor’s office so that your case can be dismissed. If your case is dismissed, you do not have to attend anger management courses or go on probation. Most importantly, the “no contact” order will be lifted immediately.